Nympsfield Community Pub Limited (NCPL) - Addendum to Share Offer Prospectus
13th January 2025
The January newsletter reported that the interim management committee (IMC) has been exploring options to enable the project to progress in the event that we are unable to raise £400,000. One such option is a phased plan that allows the purchase, renovation, and reopening phases of the pub to occur in parallel, with purchase options including part-purchase, co-purchase, and outright purchase. N.B. Part-purchase means acquiring an interest in the freehold and co-owning the property with the current owner; co-purchase involves purchasing and co-owning the freehold with a third party(s); and outright purchase is to buy the pub outright with additional financing from private individuals.
NCPL has agreed to Heads of Terms for the part-purchase of the pub, which is the focus of the addendum now available for download from the website. If terms are agreed for the co-purchase and/or outright purchase, an update to the addendum will be published. The IMC hopes to have several options available and to make a recommendation on its preferred option. In the meantime, we want to inform existing and potential investors about the phased plan and part-purchase option to establish the level of support should the project proceed in this direction. We therefore urge you to read the addendum, which describes the phased plan, the terms of the part-purchase option, and presents a revised financial forecast.
If you have any concerns, questions or require clarifications, please contact us at info@nympsfieldcommunitypub.co.uk by 31st January
and we will do our best to address them.
Thank you,
Interim Management Committee
Nympsfield Community Pub Limited
Nympsfield Community pub